
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Saturday, February 17, 2018


I would like to say the pounds are melting off, but I have worked hard for every pound lost. With my PCOS and thyroid problems, it is hard to lose. I am trying to be patient, though. I have been slowly changing my eating habits as I pay attention to how I feel after eating certain foods. At this point, I am trying to stay away from eggs, chocolate, and soda. I am working on cutting by on my refined carbs, but that is harder for me than giving up other stuff. I feel better when I eat less bread, but not better enough to think that cutting it out would make me fee better. I have also joined a running group. We are going to run the Bolder Boulder this year. I have decided since the Bolder Boulder and I are turning 40 this year, it is my sign that it is finally time for me to make the leap and complete a goal I made when I was a teenager. I can't wait until this is a reality!
I still have quite a bit of weight to work off, but I am hoping by doing this my way (the slow way) that the habits I have been establishing will stick.