
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Galloway Running Day 1

I have been wanting to run. I love running. The problem is that I keep getting hurt. In the last few years I have strained my hip, calf, and Achilles tendon. Each time I get one of these injuries, I have to stop running for at least a month. Then, it is hard to get started back up. I was about to give up but had a few experiences that changed my mind. 

First, I went on a trip at the end of November with a few other ladies. One of them was a runner and had heard that I have done a few races as well. I told her that I was not sure I wanted to keep doing it because of my injuries. She was quite understanding and suggested that I may have some luck with the Galloway method. I thought about this for a while but was not sure I was ready. 

Then, Chad and I did the Colder Boulder the second week in December. He ran the entire race, and I ran the downhills. I actually had fun run/walking by myself near the back with the people wearing costumes (I may wear one next year). At the end, I felt that runner's high I have been missing for quite a while. It convinced me that run/walk/run is the way for me (at least for now). 

Last week, I bought Jeff Galloway's book.  I am now about halfway through it, and I am learning a lot about what I have done wrong and how this method can help me. After reading a few chapters, I downloaded his app. 

Today, I ran my first run using this method. I loved it, and I know where I can make a few tweaks to make the next one even better. I can't want to find out who this plan works for me.