
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Trying Again

I am determined to run a half marathon this year. I tried last year, but the race I signed up for was canceled a few days before the event. This time I have signed up for one that has been going on for a few years instead of one that was going to the be inaugural run by a small company.
For my training, I am starting with a 5K training plan to get myself back in shape. (I haven't been doing much running for the past few months because of the cold.) When I am done with that 10 week plan, I will move on to the half marathon plan from the same book. I really think that by following these plans I will not only be ready for the half marathon, I will also be able to get faster and be in better health than I have been in for a long time.
Along with this training, I am changing the way I eat. I know I can't make any drastic changes all at once, but I am making changes now. I have written down my plan for what I will eat for breakfast and lunch each day for the next week. It is in a notebook where I am keeping track of my daily and weekly goals. I am hoping I can lose weight by following the plan that I make. I will continually reassess as I learn more from books and podcasts that I listen to.