
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Sunday, May 22, 2016

I Was Weak

Well, today i slipped up. I had a soda. Noel had just finished her cheer competition,  and I went to Wendy's with the kids on the way home since it was already almost 6 p.m., and we were about an hour frim home. I was ordering the food in the drive through and felt rushed. I couldn't find the drinks on the menu, and i caught in a weak moment. The worst part is that i didn't even enjoy it. I couldn't believe I felt the need to drink so much of it.
I will be starting over tomorrow. I don't think it will be so hard this time since the one i had today was so unsatisfying. My goal is to go at least 2 months without a soda this time.

Sunday, May 15, 2016

30 Whole Days

Image result for celebrate
It is time to celebrate! I have now gone 30 days without soda. This weekend was difficult. Thursday night was my last night working the overnight shift, so my co-workers threw a party for me. I binged on a lot of yummy food (especially the queso). Friday night Noel and I had a girls night with hot wings, chips, ice cream, and fruit smoothies. It was quite hard both nights to not have soda. On Saturday, I was craving Dr. Pepper more than I have in the entire last month. Once I had something to drink, the cravings calmed down, though. Good news is...I made it! I have gone a whole month without soda. I just need to keep on going. I know I can do this.

Sunday, May 8, 2016


I am committed to the process of losing weight and getting healthy. This is one of the hardest things I have done. I think that part of my problems is that I have been concentrating too much on what I can't have and not enough on what I can have. I have decided that this week I will add one fruit or vegetable to each meal or snack. I am hoping that by doing this I will have more energy and feel fuller faster. I am also think that by telling myself what I can have, I won't feel so deprived.

Friday, May 6, 2016

21 Days Strong

I have now gone 21 days with out soda! It is getting easier to choose something else to drink (milk, water, lemonade, etc.). Since starting this challenge, I have added not having candy and fast food. Honestly, it is harder for me to give up fast food than soda or candy. It is one thing to go to McDonald's and order an orange juice with Chad, however it is a lot harder to tell him I don't want to go that at all. I am starting to think that I need to add things to my diet rather than just take away. Right now it feels so negative.