
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Sunday, October 30, 2022

New plan

I have a new plan for this week. I sat down with my husband to figure out a schedule that would work with he so we could workout together at least once during the week I am hoping that coordinating at least one workout will help me create this as a habit. 

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Looking for New Challenge

I am struggling mentally right now. I'm not sure why. I need to pull out of it and continually failing these challenges are not helping. I am going to try to find or devise a challenge each week. I need to find a way to build healthier habits. 

Friday, October 28, 2022


 Today was a disaster. I overate, and I missed my workout because I had to take Noel around from store to store for Halloween decorations for our trunk for tomorrow and had to write a paper for one of my classes (I really need to stop procrastinating my assignments).

I am not going to start over. I am going to give myself grace this time and have tomorrow count as day 5. 

Thursday, October 27, 2022

75 Medium Reboot: Day 4

Today was a bit of a struggle. I’m getting tired of eating the same thing for lunch every day. I should have planned at least a little bit if variety. When I woke from my lunch nap (a perk of working from home), I was craving something else. I wasn’t really hungry. I just wanted something other than what I ate before my nap. I ended up grabbing some Spaghetti Os. It was not a good choice, and I have been gassy and bloated ever since. 

The good part of the day is that I accomplished everything else today. My 45 minute workout was on the Gazelle again. I’m ok with that. I just finished my 5 pages. I would have read more if Chad wasn’t waiting for me to turn off the light. The water goal was quite easy again. I drank more than that before my wor dat was done. 

Tomorrow will be better. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2022

75 Medium Reboot: Day 3

It was another good day today. I mostly stuck t  in my meal plan. The only deviation from it was I had two granola bars instead of and apple with peanut butter. (I swear I will actually eat that apple one of these days.) I haven’t been planning anything after work because while I am working is the time of day that I usually snack the most, and I did end up having a few cookies at the Youth activity tonight. I am saying I did good for the day though because I did not majorly overeat while I sat at my desk. Of course, I drank all of my water. I think I am becoming successful with replacing my snacks with water during the work day. I hopped on the Gazelle for 45 minutes after I got home from the youth activity. It is harder to do later in the evening, but I got it done. I read my 5 pages right after work. There are times that I read more than that, but the chapter was short today. Finally, I took my picture at the end of the day. I’m not sure I’m seeing or feeling any changes, but I haven’t been doing this very long. I need to be more patient. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

75 Medium Reboot: Day 2

Today was not so bad. No one had to go to Urgent Care, so my schedule was fairly normal which made it a bit easier to reach my daily goals. I easily drank a gallon of water by the time I got off work and continued to drink it for the rest of the day. My diet was MUCH better. I did have a caramel apple instead of apple with peanut butter, but it was close. Right? Reading at least 5 pages was really easy. I just did it at the same time Chad was reading for his challenge. I just finished my 45 minutes on the Gazelle because I wanted to get my homework done first. Finally, the picture was done right before I sat down to write this. It was a very successful day in my mind!

Monday, October 24, 2022

75 Medium Reboot: Day 1


I have decided that for this reboot I am not going to do intermittent fasting. It is not sustainable because I have almost 6 hours from the time I get up until I was able to eat. Instead, I am making a meal plan to follow up to diner which is on the family calendar and I have less control over. My plan includes foods I know I will like that are healthier than what I have been eating. Other than the change to my diet, everything else is the same. 

Now for today’s report. I was not 100%. It started off good, but my day took an unfortunate turn around 10. Having to spend an hour or two at Urgent Cafe with my husband at the time I am usually having lunch meant we stopped at Wendy’s on the way home for the family. I also was about 4 cups off with my water. I did get an hour on the Gazelle, though, and read more than the 5 pages I’m aiming for per day. I also got my progress picture (as horrible as it is).

I’m not going to take this as a need not count it as the start. I know I would have been better had I not had to take my husband to Urgent Care. I’m am ready for day 2!

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Starting Over

I totally failed yesterday. I ate way early. I missed my workout, and only read two pages. The only picture I took of myself was in the corn field. It’s ok. I can start over. I won’t give up because I know this is doable. 

Thursday, October 20, 2022

75 Medium: Day 4

Today was hard. I am so tired, and I had a lot to do. I squeezed in a workout at the end of the day. My water was drank just in time. My eating window was off again. I need a bit of a restart on my intermittent fasting. Maybe I can get it figured out tomorrow if I am able to get the sleep I need tonight. I hope so. These short nights are killing me in so many ways. I will get into the groove. I will not lose. I will be a healthy person. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2022

75 Medium: Day 3

Today was a good day! I accomplished almost everything today. I ate too early again today. I was so tired and ate to stay awake while working. I know that wasn’t the best plan, but I don’t know how to change this coping mechanism yet. I did get everything else done though. The water was tricky because I drank too much soda, but I got it done. I went on the Gazelle again for my workout. It is getting easier to workout for 45 minutes at a time. I am really happy that some of these habits are starting to stick. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2022

75 Medium: Day 2

Today wasn’t great, but it also was not terrible. The day started off with me weighing myself and seeing my weight had gone up. Then I ate early because I wanted to eat my feelings about that and we had leftover pizza. As the day went on, I was able to drink all of my water plus some. I also read more than necessary in the book I’m reading because I wanted to finish the chapter. Then, I hopped on the Gazelle for a workout, but I was only able to get in 25 minutes between obligations. Finally, I took my progress picture, but I didn’t change my shirt because it is late at night and I didn’t feel like it. Overall, I am ok with how the day went, and I will count it as not needing to restart. 

Monday, October 17, 2022

75 Medium: Day 1


Today was a success. I got everything done, and I really feel like this will be better for me. I fell behind on the wrong things by making the 75 hard a priority. I am hoping that everything will be back in order now. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

75 Hard Fail

I did not do well today. I got one workout in this afternoon and did the intermittent fasting. I did not drink enough water, read, or do my second workout. I had a lot of homework to finish and I went to a party. The combination was not good. The thing is that if I had done the homework throughout the week, I would not have had a lot to do and would have had the time to get other things done. 

I talked to Chad about my failure today and the idea of changing my goals which would take me off of the 75 hard program. He agreed with me that I am trying to do too much because it is taking away homework time. He helped me feel better about my idea of dropping down to one workout per day. I can do that without feeling guilty or like a failure. I can also keep the good habits that I want to create. 

Starting tomorrow, I will be doing the 75 medium challenge. I will be reading only 5 pages per day of my nonfiction book and only doing one workout per day. Other than that, I will keep doing what I have been doing. The graphic I found with the rules days I could go down to half gallon of water, but I drink about a gallon on the days that I work and need to do better on the weekends, so I think I need to keep this goa. I will adjust my tracker in the afternoon. 

Friday, October 14, 2022

75 Hard Day 6

Today was a bit easier than yesterday. I slept better last night. I think that helped. My ankle is doing a bit better which made it a bit easier to get my workouts in. My first workout was 45 minutes on the Gazelle while I watched the news. My second workout was a strength routine on the front porch. I did it in the front because I wanted to do step-ups, and we don't have steps in the backyard. It was a bit difficult and I wanted to quit after about 30 minutes and just walk around the block, but I kept going until the 45 minutes were up. (I'll post my front porch workout on my main blog tomorrow.) Drinking a gallon of water was easy today. I had drank all of it by dinner and kept going until a little while after my last workout. The last 30ish minutes of my fasting period went by so slow. I made a smoothie to break the fast, and it felt so good in my stomach! I need to have them more often. I crave them sometimes and tell myself that they are a hassle to make, but they really aren't. I finished "I am Malala" tonight. I will work on finishing the next book starting tomorrow. I am so thankful for this goal. It has shown me that I can make time to sit quietly and read something other than homework. Overall, I would say today was a successful day. Best of all, I do not feel broken. 

Thursday, October 13, 2022

75 Hard Day 5

Today was really hard. I feel like I am breaking. I don't know if it is the challenge, the fact that I didn't sleep much last night, or other life circumstances. Of course, it could be a combination. I have to quit my Glow Up challenge which was specific exercises daily, Monday through Friday. My injured ankle has been getting worse as I do the jumping jacks and butt kicks. I also can't really run until it heals a bit. Today, I did some yoga and went for a walk. I don't enjoy yoga very often, but it actually felt good today. I may need to do this video more often. The fasting part was a bit more difficult than it should have been because I took Noel to 7-11 and had to wait to eat my snack for about 3 hours. I made it and was quite proud, but it was hard. I know I need to make better food choices during my eating window. I have the food in the house, so I will make a better effort tomorrow. Hopefully, that will help me feel fuller longer. All I have left to do tonight is my reading. I will read the next 10 pages of "I am Malala." It is an easy read, so it won't take too long. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

75 Hard Day 4


Today was a bit more difficult. I struggled with the desire to workout. I had planned to do yoga with the Wii, but the controllers didn’t work. I hopped on the Gazelle instead. Then, I sat and talked to Noel until I made dinner and left for a youth activity. By the time we got home it was almost 8:30, and I still needed to do my workout outside.  With my right achilles hurting, I opted for a walk. The cool breeze felt good, and I don’t regret doing it. It was hard to convince myself to get out and do it, though. 

Tomorrow, I will hook up my dvd player and do some yoga from my videos. If my tendon feels better, I’ll get that run in that my body is craving. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

75 Hard Day 3

Today was a bit harder in some ways and easier in others. When I’m working is the main time I snack, so fasting until10am was really hard. I sensed up drinking half of my gallon of water trying to clam the hunger pains. I texted a friend who has done intermittent fasting to get some ideas on how to stay full longer and implemented some of them during my eating window today. I hope it will make it better tomorrow. The workouts weren’t too bad. I played tennis with Chad for one workout. That was nice. The other one was a bit more difficult because I hurt my ankle and tried to do jumping jacks. I will wrap it tomorrow to see if it helps. Other than that it is now 9pm and I still need to do a ton of homework that is due tonight. I’ve got to get my schedule figured out better. 

Monday, October 10, 2022

75 Hard Day 2

Today was a good day. I did a bike ride in the afternoon and some strength work tonight. Having a day off helped. Honestly, I’m a bit concerned about it working with all of my other responsibilities. I’m crossing my fingers. 

Sunday, October 9, 2022

75 Hard Day 1

I have officially completed day one of 75 Strong. It wasn’t too bad. I know other days when I have more to do will be harder, but I am ready for them. I have a plan. 

Day 1 picture: