
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Can Stop Me Now!

This week has been going decently so far. Monday, I got a walk, ride, and hike it. It felt great know that I could do all of that and was a great kick off to a new me. Yesterday, I went for a walk. Today, I have already gone for a walk.
Chad helped me find a few tools to help track my progress. I am using the My Tracks app on my phone so that I can get accurate information on how much distance I have covered and how long it took me, and I am entering that data into this site that will let me know my pace and gives me points and badges for the things I do (I love rewards). I am getting more and more motivated seeing my numbers improve. I don't know how fast my pace needs to be (and it would probably just frustrate me if I did), but I know that it has gotten better with each walk. I know that I will be ready for my first 5K by August 17!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Good Morning

I woke up this morning to my excited husband asking if I was ready to go out walking. I took me a bit to wake up all the way and get ready, but we did get out and walk for about a half hour with the dogs followed by a fifteen minute bike ride. It felt great!
Now, the real test will be exercising in the morning when he has already gone to work. Since the kids are out of school for a few months, I don't have to get them ready which gives me a bit more time. Chad put an app on my phone to help me track how far and how many minutes it takes me to walk/ride. I have also put up a chart to write it down so that I can see it without looking at my phone. I am going to try to build on the momentum that has already started.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

I Can't Keep Doing This

I have been watching my weight go up more and more lately. I now weigh about 3 pounds less than I did when I had my daughter (my biggest baby). That is HORRIBLE. I know I have to do something about it.
I have a few things in mind. First of all, my husband and I are going to get ourselves ready to do a few 5k's this year. Another thing that we are going to do is start riding bikes more.
I have been wanting to try a 5k for a while. I really need a reason and person to push me. My reason is that I am getting go out of shape and big that I am uncomfortable. My person that will help motivate me is my husband. (Yay for Chad!) He has a book that gives a guide to getting in shape to train for a marathon. I don't see my self really becoming a marathon runner, but it will get me in shape.
When is comes to bike riding, I like riding a bike. I haven't done it much in a while for a few reasons, however. First, I had small kids. Second, my bike was vandalized, so I needed to either fix it or get a new one. Well, The small kids thing has rectified itself for now. My youngest is 7 and can hold her own on a bike ride. As for the broken bike, Chad tried to fix my old one, but it it very rusty and needs more work. Instead of continuing to work on the old bike that the ex gave me years ago, he got me an early birthday present...a new bike. It is so pretty and much easier to ride than the other one was. We went on a family bike ride this morning, and I can't wait until we can do it again!
I will try to check in to give myself a bit more accountability, but lets be reasonable here. If I say nothing, you can probably assume I am not doing so well...