
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just Wanna Cry

When I got on the scale yesterday morning, I had gained weight again. I evaluated how my week had gone and realized it was definitely my fault. Obviously I didn't do well at my goals this week.  I did get the fiber most days. That definitely helped where I needed it. I did horrible at the no soda thing, and I only got any kind of exercise with my Saturday and Sunday morning walks with Chad and the dogs. I have a bit better of a plan for this week, though.

As of yesterday, I am going caffeine/soda free. Yesterday was rough, again. Today was slightly better. Luckily, I was able to take naps both days. I will not be so lucky tomorrow, so we shall see how it goes.

As of today, I am not going out to eat. My goal is to make it though this pay period with only eating food made in someone's home. This one will be kind of hard too since I often forget to make my lunch, but I can do it. I know I can.

Since Chad starts his new job tomorrow, I am going to start getting up when he leaves to work out. Nothing huge. I have a Pilates video that I liked in the past. I am thinking and hoping that it will be a good start to my mornings.

I am also going to try to get more water in me. I will be drinking at least 4 cups a day of plain water. This will be a bit tricky for me because even during the week and a half that I was doing well at not drinking soda, I drank Tang most of the time. This will be another big change.


  1. You can do it! Here's to a new week!

  2. Agreed with Melissa! You should just make yourself a cutesy little tag that says, "If you see me drinking a soda, please smile politely and take it away from me." hahaha Good luck!! :)
