
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Yesterday, the hubby and I completed our first 5K! He ran the whole thing, and I ran probably about half of it. When I was done, I couldn't believe that I had actually finished. It was both hard and rewarding.
Most of the difficulties of the run were self-inflicted. We procrastinated signing up so long that by the time we did the earliest we could start was 10:30. That was a good time to get well rested before the race, but it meant that we were running in 80 to 90 degree weather. The next problem was that I didn't drink any water before the race. If there hadn't been a watering station in the middle, I would not have made it through. The worst mistake that I made was to eat a fast food breakfast on the way down. It was too heavy and too greasy to eat before running and caused problems.
I think the reward is obvious. I finished. I didn't give up. When I was ready to give up, my sister, my nephew husband, and one of my best friends along with her sons were there to cheer me on. I finished in about 47 minutes.
I am so glad that I did this. I will definately run another 5K, and I can't wait until I can do my first 10K, the Boulder Boulder, next year!

Quick note:
My favorite quotes of the day came from my little 5 year old nephew:
     "This doesn't taste like corn..." (Talking about the "color bombs" made of colored cornstarch.)
     "That is devastating right there." (Pointing out that I had lost a safety pin that had been holding on my running bib.)
Before the Race
At the Finish Line
My Cute Nephew and Me
Hubby, Awesome Friend, and Me
He Got A Bit Messy

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