
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Harder than I Thought

It has been hard to work consistently on my running. We had wonderfully mild weather for most of January. It seems like as soon as February hit, so did the snow. It has snowed about every other day since the second. I have tried going to the gym to run on the treadmill, and it has been successful when put forth the effort unless it is too close to when I finished dinner. The problem is that after fighting traffic for an hour, I don't feel like getting back in the car to go to the gym even though it is only a 10 minute drive. I dusted off the old Gazelle for now, but I know that will not work once I really need to get into my half marathon training next month. I guess I will just have to get my but to the gym or figure out how to run in the snow for a little while. Of course, I could always hope we will have some nice weather for the entire time I am training. I think I would have better luck with that if I lived in a different state.

I have been working on my weight again. I think I can get faster and have more energy if I can lose weight. I have an outfit picked out for when I get down to 175 pounds. I hope to be able to wear it by the time Eric graduates on May 16. About a week ago, I started following the South Beach Diet for everything except dinner. I lost two pounds doing this. I also realized that I had a lot more energy. When I decided to do this a week ago, I thought I would start eating all food according to the South Beach Diet, but I am thinking this probably won't change. I can eat very healthy for most of the day and still eat food I am used to with my family. If I can continue to lose 2 pounds a week, I should be able to reach my goal plus a bit.

I really think that by combining my training with my weight loss efforts, I will be able to finish my half marathon in June and be healthier. I can't wait until I can have more energy and feel better than I have been feeling. Honestly, I am hoping I can get on a lower dosage of thyroid meds even though I know it is a long shot.

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