
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Making Changes

I have decided that I need to make a change in my exercise routine. I am hating the game more and more lately. I really only like the the kick boxing routines, but the workouts that are scheduled most days are circuit training routines. I don't really like them, and half he time the exercises require putting the Wii remote in my pocket, but the game doesn't recognize that I am doing these exercises. I often just give up and wait for the next exercise. I tried changing the program that I was doing to a kick boxing centered program, but it scheduled me for another week of circuit training. I am becoming less and less motivated by having routines scheduled that I don't really enjoy. My solution: I am going to dust off the workout DVDs and use those for my daily workouts. Between Chad and I we have quite a few of them. I don't want to totally lose my motivation to workout in the mornings. I am hoping that by recognizing it now, I will be able to fix the problem. I am also hoping that being able to chose from a variety of options instead of being told what I am going to be doing each day will help me be excited to work out again. I know I need to lose weight, and I am not going to stop trying until I find something that works.

1 comment:

  1. I think what you're doing is very smart. Don't quit because your first idea didn't work - tweak it until you find what does. Good for you!! That's so great that you're sticking with it! I'm praying for you! :) (Motivation in any form is a good thing, I've decided.)
