
I failed again and again and again and that's why I am successful. - Michael Jordan

Saturday, June 29, 2024

104 Days

This morning, I ran 3.5 miles, and it felt good. I started with running down into the oldest part of my town which is basically a trailer park with older trailers and modular home in which the people own the land. I haven't ran down there for a while because I prefer to start with going uphill and have the downhill at the end. This morning, I had to run about 60 minutes, though, so I ran downhill and circle back uphill on a new sidewalk on the other and into the neighborhood on the other side of mine. Then, I ran through that neighborhood to my favorite hills to run down back to my house. By the time I got to my last mile and a half, I was getting a lot slower. (This was the longest I have ran in a few years.) I am proud of myself for sticking to it and not cutting across the middle when it was getting hard like I would have done a year ago. I can't wait to see how much I progress over the next few months! 

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