So far the no soda thing is going pretty good. I did have one on Thursday when my sister and I went out for lunch, but in all fairness it was the anniversary of my mom and brother's death. I needed something. I did have a great 9 day streak with no soda, and I know I can go even longer. I am now starting day 3 of no soda, and I feel like crap. I can't even tell you how hard it is to break this habit. I am so tired all of the time. I am moody. I am...I don't know...wanting a Dr. Pepper right about now. I know it will get better. It is a process that I am not used to having to put myself through.
I am going to give you a warning right now. This paragraph, while not too descriptive, may be a bit...icky. I have come up with a new problem. Without going into as many details as I want to for some reason, I have been backed up severely for a few days. I took some Miralax yesterday and today, and things are finally starting to move this morning, but it is still not a fun process. I looked up the possible causes for such a problem and I see myself fitting into 3 categories: lack of fiber, not enough exercise, and hypothyroidism. I am going to start working on two of these this week.
First of all, lack of fiber can be helped fairly easily. I can get several supplements at the store. I can eat more fruits and veggies. I can get certain cereals or snack bars. They will all help. Yesterday, I chose to eat 3 apples. I'm not kidding. That was my lunch and long with water. I will probably eat some today, too. I don't mind adding more fruits and veggies to my diet. I actually would like to do so . I am also going to add supplements for now though. I have got to get this thing taken care of now.
Lack of exercise is something I can tackle as well. All I have to do is figure out the best time to exercise and just make it happen. No more excuses like, "I am just too tired," or "If only the kids would go to sleep," or "It is just too hard after working all day." I exercised on a regular basis while I was single. I was working a worse job then, and I was taking care of this kids on my own. These are horrible excuses!
Here is my pledge to you: I am going to have fiber everyday and some form of exercise everyday this week. I will check in Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday to report my progress. Wish me luck!